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44 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE CIRCULARITY 1. Design for Circularity 3. Advanced Resource Recovery Our brands are leading the way on We are on the steering committee of AND WASTE circularity. In 2021, Gap and Banana Accelerating Circularity, a collaborative Republic launched denim lines created for industry project. The group uses research, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation (EMF) mapping, supply chain modeling, pilot We recognize that we must address the full life cycle Jeans Redesign project. The denim projects, and more to jumpstart circular of our garments, from raw materials to end of life – was produced according to EMF’s three solutions for apparel. In 2021, Banana principles of circularity, which state Republic and Old Navy began testing and back again. that the jeans should be used more, ways to recycle fiber from the textile made to be made again, and made from waste stream into new products. We’re safe and recycled or renewable inputs. also working with Accelerating Circularity Since defining our strategy in 2020, we Insights from our experience designing to develop knowledge on textile-to-textile have been working with our partners and Four pillars form the foundation of for durability, recyclability, and circular recycling, anticipating the transition to brand teams on circularity initiatives and our work on circularity: materials were included in EMF’s Circular advanced chemical recycling techniques. goals, and all our brands have embraced Design For Fashion book, published in work that aligns with at least one pillar of December 2021. We co-founded a collaborative initiative the strategy. 1. D esign for Circularity: Giving our focused on building the circular economy design teams the tools to make for fashion in California that is planned to As part of our circularity efforts, we also choices that can positively impact 2. Materials and Manufacturing be launched in 2022. tackle different waste streams. We continue product longevity, reuse, and Together with the HKRITA, we are to reduce, eliminate, and recycle packaging recyclability (read about our developing more sustainable production waste, and have signed The Fashion Pact’s sourcing approach on p. 42). processes and technology solutions 4. Circular Business Models ® commitment on single-use plastics. that enable the industry to advance Through our partnerships with thredUP , 2. Materials and Manufacturing: circular models across the life cycle of Give Back Box, and How2Recycle, we Read more about our circularity and waste Increasing the use of safe, textiles. Firstly, HKRITA is partnering with engage customers in reselling old clothes efforts on our website. renewable, and recycled Artistic Milliners, one of our key suppliers, and donating clothes to people in need. materials, and supporting to develop an environmentally safe Gap brand customers have donated innovation in circular dissolution method to remove spandex 2,616 pounds through the Give Back Box manufacturing. from used garments. Secondly, HKRITA program since March 2021. Working with ® is working with Arvind Limited, another thredUP , which gives used clothes a 3. Advanced Resource Recovery: key supplier, to create a new method of second life, our Gap, Athleta, and Banana Supporting systems for collecting, removing indigo dye from cotton so that Republic customers sent in over 80,000 sorting, and recycling worn textiles denim waste can be more easily reused Clean Out Kits, resulting in 1.25 million into new materials for the fashion or re-dyed. items listed for resale in 2021. industry. In 2021, we signed on to the Microfibre Also in 2021, Athleta held two sample 4. Circular Business Models: Roadmap as part of our commitment sales to reduce waste and raised more Decoupling profits from the use to The Microfibre Consortium (TMC). than $157,000 for the Gap Inc. Selvage of natural resources, resulting in We are also contributing fiber samples Fund (see more on p. 9). Banana Republic new value propositions for the for a research collaboration between Vintage launched in June 2021 as a customer. TMC and the University of Leeds (U.K.) platform to resell 200+ sought-after to improve understanding of techniques heritage pieces from past collections. that reduce shedding of microplastics and microfibers in garment production.

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