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65 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE Unit of Topic Accounting Metric Category Measure Code Data Reference Environmental Percentage of (1) Quantitative Percentage CG-AA-430a.1 For more than 15 years, we have required our denim laundries to participate ESG Report: Water Impacts in the Tier 1 supplier facilities (%) in our Water Quality Program, which allows us to actively monitor and improve Stewardship p. 35 Supply Chain and (2) supplier wastewater quality. Sustainability facilities beyond In 2021, out of 53 priority denim laundries that conducted wastewater testing Webpages: Chemicals Tier 1 in compliance per the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines, 100 percent achieved Foundational level Management with wastewater or better for all Conventional parameters and 94 percent met all ZDHC MRSL Water Stewardship discharge permits parameters. and/or contractual agreements Total % facilities meeting % meeting ZDHC Year participants Conventional parameters MRSL parameters 2020 54 94 89 2021 53 100 94 Percentage of (1) Tier 1 Quantitative Percentage CG-AA-430a.2 By the end of 2022, 99 percent of our Tier 1 and 91 percent of our strategic ESG Report: Resource supplier facilities and (%) Tier 2 suppliers completed the Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index 3.0 Efficiency and (2) supplier facilities Facility Environmental Module (FEM) self-assessment to communicate their Manufacturing p. 37 beyond Tier 1 that water and energy use, along with chemicals and waste management from Sustainability have completed the 2020. 64 percent of facilities verified their responses. In total, 89 percent of Webpages: Chemicals Sustainable Apparel facilities participated in our resource efficiency programs. Management Coalition’s Higg Index % Tier 1 branded Water Stewardship Facility Module (Higg suppliers using % Tier 2 suppliers # verified FEM) assessment Year Higg Index FEM using Higg Index FEM responses or an equivalent environmental data 2019 97 91 n/a assessment 2020 100 70 280 2021 99 (558) 91 (147) 463 (64%) (351 Tier 1, 112 Tier 2)

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