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15 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE Our collaborative approach has led to “ The mission of P.A.C.E. is to ignite pioneering programs and innovative a community of active, healthy, partnerships with suppliers, industry confident women and girls who peers, government organizations, empower each other to reach their educational institutions, and NGOs. limitless potential. P.A.C.E. gives women a voice and an opportunity to positively change lives – their families‘, their communities‘, and their own.” Mary Beth Laughton, President and CEO, Athleta HOW WE EMPOWER WOMEN These programs work together to protect Together, these programs provide a AND SUPPORT HUMAN RIGHTS human rights, remove barriers, and enhance comprehensive and holistic engagement women’s empowerment and opportunity. model for facilities to improve labor > Gap Inc. P.A.C.E. 16 They address gender inequality and gender standards, benefit women workers, Empower@Work 18 violence by enhancing industrial relations and support the business continuity > Human Rights and Social Dialogue 19 in facilities and providing opportunities for and resiliency of our supply chain. Assessment and Remediation 20 women workers to gain the skills, agency, Capability Building 21 and confidence needed to advance at Workforce Engagement Program 21 work and live better lives. These are Supervisory Skills Training 22 complementary interventions that can be Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response 23 implemented alone or in tandem depending Digital Wage Payments 23 on the needs of a given facility’s workforce. > Helping Keep Our Supply Chain Safe During COVID-19 24

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