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17 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE PROGRAM SPOTLIGHT 2021 P.A.C.E. PROGRESS 2021 IMPACT GROWTH PER YEAR WOMEN AND In 2021, we continued our three-year In Indonesia, Gap Inc. and New Balance GIRLS REACHED partnership with India’s Ministry of Rural are funding a program led by CARE 2018 178,000 Development, which we plan to expand International to integrate P.A.C.E. into across all Indian states in 2022. We the junior school counseling curriculum, +77% 2019 279,000 adapted to COVID-19 by using a virtual reaching 50 schools in Badung regency. 2020 199,000 program to train 84 trainers, including We hope to expand into other districts in 46 master trainers who will offer state- the future. 77+23+L 2021 173,7007 level trainings. communications In Bangladesh, CARE International has knowledge Ultimately, all vocational training under led a P.A.C.E. community program that VENDORS India’s flagship DDU-GKY (Deen Dayal has reached 37,198 women in Gazipur Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana) since 2014. An evaluation of this program 119 program will be able to offer P.A.C.E. life revealed that 48 percent of P.A.C.E. 110 skills courses, supporting the employability participants reported having bank +56% and job retention of workers. Through this accounts (non-participants: 26 percent). 68 partnership, we have gained important Moreover, 88 percent of P.A.C.E. program 61 insights about translating P.A.C.E. into participants felt comfortable speaking 56+44+L 2018 2019 2020 2021 different languages – 24 in India alone – up about their needs in the workplace and strengthening government technology after their training (non-participants: 5 execution skills systems to deliver the curriculum. 18 percent). knowledge COMMUNITY PARTNERS Also in India, our partner, the Self- In 2021, we built a learning management 35 Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), system that we plan to launch in 2022 31 achieved its goal of training over 271,000 to continue digitizing the program with 28 women across Gujarat, Bihar, and in-person, virtual, and hybrid training +73% Rajasthan. SEWA will now deliver P.A.C.E. sessions. In 2022, we also plan to use 17 in eight new countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, elements of the P.A.C.E. program to 2018 2019 2020 2021 Haiti, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, address women’s needs in the U.S. 73+27+L and Tanzania. financial literacy In Cambodia, we continued our programs 4,451 with Kampuchea Action to Promote certified P.A.C.E. Education. The Ministry of Education in PROGRESS SINCE 2007 trainers Cambodia passed an official order to incorporate the P.A.C.E. girls’ curriculum 4.6% into all primary and secondary schools 1 MILLION+ turnover rate for P.A.C.E.- over the next two years, ultimately women and girls reached trained women6 compared reaching 150 schools and almost to 11.3% among their peers 15,000 girls. 5. Execution skills knowledge is defined as the knowledge of how to apply newly learned skills from the P.A.C.E. learning modules in real contexts, particularly in the workplace. Percentage represents increase in proficiency after participating in the P.A.C.E. program. 6. According to a sample of 40 facilities. 7. P.A.C.E. programming and participation were limited in 2020 and 2021 due to COVID-19 in-person gathering restrictions across many of our implementing locations.

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