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52 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE ESG APPENDIX AND FORWARD- LOOKING STATEMENTS MATERIALITY ESG FRAMEWORKS CAUTIONARY NOTE ON FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS In a rapidly changing world, we want to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) This report and related comments by trends, current conditions, and expected address issues where Gap Inc. can have We have prepared this report in management may include “forward- future developments, as well as other the greatest impact and influence. accordance with the GRI Standards. looking statements” within the meaning of factors we consider appropriate under the U.S. federal securities laws. Forward- the circumstances. We believe these We prioritize the sustainability issues LEARN MORE looking statements are any statements judgments are reasonable, but these that matter most to our stakeholders and > GRI Index other than statements of historical fact. statements are not guarantees of any business. These are our material issues Forward-looking statements represent future events or financial results, and our current judgment about possible our actual results may differ materially and they guide our ESG team’s strategy Sustainability Accounting Standards future events and are often identified due to a variety of factors, many of which and programs. Board (SASB) by words such as “anticipate,” “appears,” are described in our most recent Annual Our SASB Index references the Standard “approximately,” “believe,” “continue,” Report on Form 10-K and our other filings We carried out our most recent materiality for the Apparel, Accessories & Footwear “could,” “designed,” “effect,” “estimate,” with the U.S. Securities and Exchange analysis in 2021 with a third-party industry as defined by SASB’s Sustainable “evaluate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “goal,” Commission. We caution readers not to expert consultancy. Industry Classification System – “initiative,” “intend,” “may,” “objective,” place undue reliance on forward-looking E-Commerce, Multiline and Specialty “outlook,” “plan,” “potential,” “priorities,” statements. Forward-looking statements For clarity, the identification of our material Retailers & Distributors, and Apparel, “project,” “pursue,” “seek,” “should,” speak only as of the date they are made, issues that guide our sustainability strategy Accessories and Footwear, with the location “target,” “when,” “will,” “would,” or the and we undertake no obligation to update and programs should not be construed as a of that information in Gap Inc.’s ESG Report negative of any of those words or publicly or otherwise revise any forward- characterization regarding the materiality and our website. similar expressions. looking statements, whether as a result In making these statements, we rely upon of new information, future events, or or financial impact of such issues or related assumptions and analysis based on our other factors that affect the subject of information to investors in Gap Inc. For a LEARN MORE experience and perception of historical these statements, except where we are discussion of the risks that are material to > SASB Index expressly required to do so by law. investors in Gap Inc., please see our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended Task Force on Climate-Related Financial January 29, 2022 filed with the Securities Disclosures (TCFD) Learn More and Exchange Commission, our subsequent The TCFD is a framework of Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and our recommendations for companies to TOPIC LINK Current Reports on Form 8-K. make more effective climate-related Board and Shareholder Rights > Gap Inc. Governance disclosures that could promote more LEARN MORE informed investment, credit, and insurance ESG Disclosures > ESG Resources > 2021 Materiality Matrix underwriting decisions. We are reporting to Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance > Managing Risks > SEC Filings the TCFD for the first time this year, and our > SEC Filings TCFD Index, detailing our climate-related > Corporate Compliance Policies risk disclosures, can be found on p. 72. > ESG Resources LEARN MORE Privacy and Information Security > Gap Inc. Privacy Policy > TCFD Index

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