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41 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE TASK FORCE ON OUR EXTERNAL • UN Fashion Industry Charter for COMMITMENTS Climate Action: We are signatories We engage in advocacy with industry to the charter, which has a vision to CLIMATE-RELATED organizations to encourage policy- achieve net-zero emissions in the makers to raise their ambitions. All fashion industry by 2050. FINANCIAL of our work is driven by ambitious • Textile Exchange: We signed on to goals, public commitments, strong a letter asking global governments partnerships, and leadership from to use trade policy to incentivize DISCLOSURES (TCFD) our purpose-led brands. the fashion industry to use more • Arctic Corporate Shipping Pledge: environmentally preferred In 2019, we signed the Ocean materials, including low-carbon Conservancy’s pledge and fibers. We were also one of 50 The TCFD outlines how This year we are aligning our report to committed to never intentionally organizations that signed on to companies should report on TCFD and have outlined our governance, send ships through the Arctic’s support emissions reductions strategy, risk management, and metrics fragile ecosystem. through the sourcing of more climate-related risks and and targets for Gap Inc.’s climate-related sustainable materials. mitigation strategies. risks. See the TCFD index at the back of • EPA SmartWay Partner: In 2011, • UNGC’s Business Ambition for 1.5oC: this report for our disclosures in full; we we became a Partner of the EPA’s In 2021, we joined this campaign to also share information in our latest CDP SmartWay program, which helps ensure our current and future goals Climate Change Disclosure Response and companies advance supply chain align to a 1.5°C scenario. sustainability by measuring, the ESG Oversight section of this report. benchmarking, and improving • National Oceanic and Atmospheric freight transportation efficiency. Administration (NOAA): We • Fashion Pact: This coalition of attended a NOAA meeting in 2021 leading apparel and textile to discuss possible climate impacts companies has established a on our business, from droughts common agenda to reach 100 impacting cotton to the effect of percent renewable energy use, snowstorms on logistics. See more reduce GHG emissions, increase about our advocacy work in our biodiversity, and focus on resilient Public Policy section. development by 2050. Additionally, • We also partner on advocacy our CEO Sonia Syngal was on the for climate policy in key sourcing Pact’s steering committee in 2021. markets. For instance, together • UNFCCC: Gap Inc. has committed to with more than 20 other brands, carbon neutrality by 2050 as part we signed a call to the government of the United Nations Framework of Vietnam to simplify and expand Convention on Climate Change. access to renewable energy.

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