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39 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE As a member of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), our CLIMATE comprehensive SBTs for reducing emissions across Scope 1 (direct emissions from company facilities from the use of natural gas, jet STEWARDSHIP fuel, etc.), Scope 2 (primarily purchased electricity), and Scope 3 (supply chain emissions from products) were approved in 2017. We have a responsibility to address climate change by To meet these targets, we have built a strategy to address In recognition emissions and invest in renewable energy projects to reduce our aligning our goals and strategies with the best science and of our efforts to Scope 1 and 2 footprint. For Scope 3 emissions, we focus on robust industry practices. At the foundation of our approach are manage the risks data collection from manufacturing facilities, product impact goals that align with the scientific consensus of the Paris and opportunities modeling, and enhanced transparency to understand and pursue related to opportunities for emissions reductions. We also work closely Agreement to pursue efforts to limit global temperature climate change, with our suppliers on programs to enhance energy efficiency and rise to less than 1.5 degrees Celsius. we received an strategy- and goal-setting around climate change, and provide A- rating from education and resources that help them set their own SBTs. CDP Climate in 2021. Find more about our approach to climate and energy stewardship on our website. GOALS BY 2030 PROGRESS IN 2021 100% renewable energy 17% of energy usage in 2020 was sourced for our company- purchased from renewable sources. operated facilities globally 2021 data will be available on our from a 2017 baseline website later this year. On track 90% reduction in Scope 1 39% reduction in Scope 1 and Scope 2 and 2 GHG emissions from emissions in 2020 from a 2017 baseline. a 2017 baseline 2021 Scope 1 and Scope 2 data will be On track available on our website later this year. 30% reduction in Scope 3 GHG 2021 Scope 3 data will be available emissions from purchased goods later this year. ATHLETA: POWERED BY RENEWABLES and services from a 2017 baseline On track As of 2021, 100 percent of Athleta’s company-operated stores in North America are offset by renewable electricity from Fern Solar, a 7.5-megawatt offsite solar project GOAL BY 2050 in North Carolina. This project began in 2018 with an agreement between Salesforce, Bloomberg, Workday, and Cox Enterprises to combine buying power and collectively act as the anchor tenant for the renewable energy project. This innovative project garnered Carbon neutral two awards: Smart Energy Decisions’ Innovation Award and the Center for Resource across our value chain Solutions’ Green Power Leadership Award.

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