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HOW WE CREATE PRICE BOOKS 1" AND CATALOGS IN THE HONEYWELL STYLE Price Books and Catalogs Left Page FFrroonntt aanndd BBaacckk CCoovveerr - Please follow the specifications listed under “How We Create Literature Covers in the Honeywell Style” and “How We Create Literature Back Covers in the Honeywell Style”. IInntteerriioorr PPaaggeess - Layout of interior pages is determined by the business. Use only Helvetica fonts. FFooootteer - Every inside page carries a standard footer: 1/2" Left page - Page number- far left side, placed at least 1/2 inch from left edge of page. 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Honeywell Red or black, Helvetica font. 1" - Web address- to the right of page number, no closer than 1/2 inch. Black Helvetica font. The web address wwwwww..hhoonneeyywweellll..ccoomm is required. Specific site may be added following main address page - example wwwwww..hhoonneeyywweellll..ccoomm//sseeccuurriittyy Right page - Page number- far right side, placed at least 1/2 inch from the right edge of page. Honeywell Red or black, Helvetica font. Right Page - Honeywell freestanding logo- to the left of page number, no closer than 1/2 inch. Honeywell Red when printing in color, black, if color printing is not required. Nothing else should appear in the footer section. 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 44

Honeywell Brand Book - Page 44 Honeywell Brand Book Page 43 Page 45