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AI led document experience at scale

AI LED DOCUMENT EXPERIENCE AT SCALE Incorporated AI training tools inside the { AI-POWERED SaaS platform enabled by 21,000 "type": "marketing", man-hours of training. Go from PPT to EXPERIENCE "views": 50, interactive web experience in seconds. CREATION "pages": 49, "drop_off": 4, AI PAGE ANIMATIONS AI NAVIGATION "top_slide": 10 }, { Applied NLP to understand taxonomy and "type": "list", ML to clean, structure & categorize the AI-POWERED "time_spent": 34, content & its metadata END-USER "animate": fasle EXPERIENCE AI-POWERED HUBS CONTENT INTELLIGENCE },{ "type": "list", AUTOMATED PERSONALIZATION "time_spent": 34, "animate": fasle }, Biggest data set on interactive documents with { billions of interactions is used as a source for AI-POWERED data mining and to adjust the AI training model. INSIGHTS Note: RELAYTO has been recognized as top AI & DATA INSIGHTS ENGAGEMENT PREDICTIONS Analytics innovator by MIT AI Idol, Hello Tomorrow, SaaStock. View more on CONTENT IMPROVEMENT