06 | How to Add a Call-to-Action Button

8 mins read


Let's learn how to add buttons to enhance your projects and ensure a seamless user experience. Follow these simple steps.

Step 1

Click the "Studio" button in the top right corner.


Step 2

Click the "Add Interactivity" icon on the toolbar at the top middle of the screen or in the Interactive Studio side menu.


Step 3

Select the "Button" option in SHAPES.


Step 4

With the button selected, click on the "Styles" tab.


 There, you can modify the text, color, padding, and corner styles and add shadows to the button.

Step 5

After making the desired changes, click "Add Effects." 


Here, you can choose between different effects to be applied to your button, controlling:

  • How many times the animation will reload on Loops.
  • For how long it's going to happen on Duration(s).
  • And when it's going to start moving by using Delay.


Step 6

Click "Add Popup on Hover" then click "Add Popup."

To understand How to Add and Edit Popups, click here.

Step 7

Click "Add Action on Click" and select the action you want to trigger when the button is clicked.


Types of CTAs

Select Open Widget to open other experiences on hubs from RELAYTO. You can also open websites that support iframe using this method.

To understand better how to Embed Widgets, click here.


For media, you can select between Images, Videos, and Audio. You can also select Download File if you want the user to download one of these or other formats.


Click Go to page to redirect those who click the button to a page inside the experience. You will have to select the page and click confirm.


Contact Me is for emails. You can add the email address to which you'd like any message to be sent.


And Post is for text. You can write inside it and the text will be exhibited when the button is clicked.


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