How to Enroll in a Program

Find Your Way to Wellness with Wellbeats Programs

GUIDE Find Your Way HOW TO GET STARTED to Wellness with Select “Programs” to Wellbeats Programs explore a full list of health and wellness programs. Set your goal… and receive guidance Choose the program you’d like to join, then select and support from start to 昀椀nish! “Enroll in Program”. Whether it’s losing weight, getting 昀椀t, improving Note: members can enroll mental health, or even training for a 5K, you can in more than one program 昀椀nd a variety of health and wellness programs to at a time. help you live a healthier life. A progress bar and “Up Next” Wellbeats Wellness, a product of LifeSpeak Inc., marker will appear to let you programs are a series of classes and activities to know exactly where you’re at help you reach a speci昀椀c goal and build healthy in the program. Select the habits. Led by our team of friendly, certi昀椀ed class or activity under “Up instructors, you can feel con昀椀dent, focused, and Next” to get started. on track every step of the way. Actual design and navigation may vary depending on your device. Need to exit a program? Select “Programs” or go to the home screen. In the program banner, select “View All Activities”, then select “End Program”. For a complete history of your program participation, [email protected] select “Library”, then “Program History” to view all active and completed programs. 060622-C

How to Enroll in a Program - Page 1 How to Enroll in a Program