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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Performance monitoring and evaluation We engage with suppliers in multiple ways to HP Supplier Code of Conduct in the areas of conduct these activities. During the year, 88% of the RBA Factory Lead Certification Program, understand performance, identify and address labor, health and safety, environment, ethics, production supplier audits were third-party certified suppliers with scores from 160 to 180 are eligible issues, and drive ongoing progress: and management systems. See Supply chain RBA Validated Assessment Program (VAP) audits. for a Silver certification, and those with scores responsibility: Our approach for detail about above 180 for a Gold certification (including 36% • The supplier Self-Assessment the audit process. We also work with our We see a wide range of maturity levels in our of supplier facilities audited in 2021). Questionnaire (SAQ). This includes detailed final assembly suppliers to confirm they are audits, which are scored on a scale of 0–200. In questions around social and environmental conducting risk assessments of companies management and practices. As well as in their own supply chains that represent assisting HP to evaluate risk, identify areas for approximately 80% of their spend and assuring Sustainability audits, 2021* improvement, and determine a firm’s inclusion 25% of sites determined to be high risk, based in our audit program, self-assessment helps on the RBA Code of Conduct. Follow-up audits suppliers become more familiar with HP’s Initial audits (initial (addressing Full re-audits expectations of conformance to our Supplier • Supplier sustainability assessments. We evaluations of nonconformances (comprehensive conduct targeted assessments to supplement conformance) identified in any reassessments) Code of Conduct. During 2021, 171 production corrective action plans) suppliers completed SAQs. our comprehensive audits, focusing on specific risk areas including vulnerable workers (such Product supply chain • Coaching, specialized training, data as student, dispatch, and foreign migrant Production suppliers 19 46 61 collection, and ongoing dialogue. Using these workers) and health and safety (including fire Product transportation suppliers 2 0 0 mechanisms, we aim to help suppliers develop safety and emergency preparedness). In 2021, robust management systems to address root we piloted a new priority screening assessment Product reuse and recycling vendors 10 0 15 causes of key risks and challenges; for more at 12 facilities that will aid faster detection of Nonproduction suppliers detail, see Capability building. high-priority human rights risks throughout our Suppliers supporting HP manufacturing (on HP premises) 30 0 0 • Key performance indicator (KPI) monitoring supply chain, so we can more efficiently drive Suppliers supporting HP offices (on HP premises) 3 0 0 program. We collect data from high-risk targeted improvement. supplier sites weekly on key issues such Service suppliers (on third-party premises) 0 0 0 as working hours, day of rest, and student HP operations workers, and collaborate to drive ongoing Performance HP manufacturing sites 2 0 1 improvement. See results. HP offices 0 0 0 • Supplier audits. Our supplier audit process is In 2021, we completed 189 audits of production suppliers, product reuse and recycling vendors, * an essential component of our risk assessment Audits of production suppliers and suppliers supporting HP manufacturing followed the RBA Code of Conduct either 6.0 or 7.0 (released and nonproduction suppliers, as well as 24 other during 2021) audit protocols. We contract with Environmental Resources Management (ERM) to audit product reuse and recycling vendors framework and a key mechanism for identifying assessments of production suppliers. Travel and for conformance with the following policies and vendor standards: Export of Electronic Waste to Developing Countries Policy, HP Supplier opportunities for sustained improvement factory restrictions, as well as office closures Code of Conduct, and Reuse and Recycling Standards. See Product repair, reuse, and recycling for detail. Audits of nonproduction suppliers with our suppliers. Supplier audits measure supporting HP offices, off-site third-party nonproduction suppliers, and HP offices were focused on labor, ethics, and management systems. conformance with all provisions of the related to COVID-19, decreased our ability to 39 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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