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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Supplier diversity Operations 1 Data is for the 12 months ending September 30 of the year noted. Figures are for purchases in the United States and Puerto Rico from U.S.-based businesses. Suppliers are categorized as minority-owned or women-owned, not both. These categories include all sizes of Our employees businesses. 1 As of October 31, 2021. 2 HP’s allocatable indirect spend is calculated based on suppliers’ spending with diverse suppliers and their dollar volume of HP’s business 2 McKinsey & Company, 2020, “Diversity wins: How inclusion matters”, compared to their total revenue. diversity-wins-how-inclusion-matters. Environmental impact 3 “Leadership” is defined as director level and up at HP. 1 Intensity is calculated as the portion of first-tier production and product transportation suppliers’ reported GHG emissions attributable 4 Annually, HP employees fill out a survey called Voice Insight Action (VIA) to help us understand overall employee engagement, including to HP, divided by HP’s annual revenue. This method normalizes performance based on business productivity. Intensity is reported as a their sense of belonging in the company. three-year rolling average to decrease the impact of variance year over year and highlight longer-term trends. Production supplier GHG 5 As a percentage of U.S. personnel with the title of Executive, formerly called Vice President. emissions include Scope 1 and Scope 2. 6 As of October 31, 2021. 2 This continues a goal from before the separation of Hewlett-Packard Company on November 1, 2015, extending the goal to 2025. Includes 7 Ibid. data from suppliers associated with HP Inc. and HP Inc. pre-separation business units. 8 Estimate is based on 1.09 million hours of formal organized learning, 0.55 million hours of self-directed learning, and more than 0.11 million 3 HP estimates supplier GHG emissions avoided based on supplier-reported energy savings from specific energy-efficiency projects hours of manufacturing and technology training. (compared to projected energy use without those projects) and supplier use of zero-emissions energy. This energy data is converted into GHG emissions avoided using emission factors for electricity and fuel types. This data also includes estimates of product transportation- 9 In the United States, the minimum amount of vacation time for salaried exempt employees is three weeks per year. Vacation time varies in related GHG emissions avoided, related to specific initiatives to improve product transportation efficiency. other locations. 4 Ibid. 10 In the United States, salaried exempt employees are eligible for paid sick time to cover occasional illness or until short-term disability is approved. Policies vary in other locations. 5 These are the total GHG emissions reductions and financial savings reported by suppliers through CDP, not amounts attributable to HP. 11 During calendar year 2021, HP documented 71 recordable incidents, 35 lost workday cases, and 1,234 lost workdays. 6 Based on HP consumer and commercial PCs and displays shipped in 2021. 100% renewable electricity achieved by purchasing both Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) and International Renewable Energy Credits (I-RECs) as defined by EPEAT®. Our facilities 7 Due to COVID-19, in limited cases SmartWay partners were not available during 2021. 1 Depending on the project, our sites may achieve certification for LEED Building Design and Construction (LEED BD+C), LEED Interior Performance monitoring and evaluation Design and Construction (LEED ID+C), or LEED Building Operations and Maintenance (LEED O+M). Learn more. 2 This includes BREEAM International Refurbishment and Fit Out (RFO). Learn more. 1 These include child labor, forced labor, severe forms of discrimination, health and safety issues posing immediate danger to life or risk of serious injury, and perceived violation of environmental laws posing serious and immediate harm to the community. We take such findings 3 About GHG emissions data: This report includes Scope 1, 2, and 3 GHG emissions data from HP’s operations, transportation fleet, very seriously and require suppliers to cease all related practices and report corrective actions taken within 30 days of the original audit. and employee business travel, calculated according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol of the World Business Council for Sustainable Recruitment fees must be reimbursed within 90 days of discovery and are verified by an on-site inspection within 180 days of discovery. Development (WBCSD) and World Resources Institute (WRI). See the HP 2021 carbon footprint for more details and an overview of We follow up closely to ensure that all required corrective actions are completed, and visit sites to confirm resolution. Immediate priority emissions across the value chain. findings do not necessarily involve termination of the supplier; we work with suppliers as appropriate to improve their performance and • Scope 1 emissions include those from the direct use of natural gas, diesel fuel, refrigerants, and PFCs in operations and from fuel used worker conditions in these areas. by HP’s transportation fleet. 2 Immediate priority findings (14 in 2021) include child labor, forced labor, severe forms of discrimination, health and safety issues posing • Scope 2 emissions are primarily from purchased electricity used in HP’s operational real estate. immediate danger to life or risk of serious injury, and perceived violation of environmental laws posing serious and immediate harm • Scope 3 emissions reported in this section result from employee business travel by commercial airlines and from commuting. to the community. Prior to 2020, we reported non-immediate priority nonconformances and major nonconformances together as Data in this section for 2019–2021 uses the market-based method. In the data summary, we also include 2019–2021 data using the major nonconformances. Starting in 2020, to more fully align with RBA Protocol 6.0 definitions, HP began distinguishing non-immediate location-based method. See note * on page 18 for additional detail. priority nonconformances from major nonconformances and referring to those as “other nonconformances.” In 2021, the 528 other 4 Moving forward, this will be replaced by a new goal, which has been submitted to and is awaiting validation by SBTi. This will support our nonconformances identified included all non-immediate priority nonconformances (3.6% of the total) and all major nonconformances broader goal to achieve carbon neutral HP operations by 2025. (96.4% of the total), as defined by the RBA Protocol 6.0 and 7.0. 5 As applicable, HP uses RECs in Canada and the United States, GOs in most European countries, and I-RECs in most Asian countries and other countries not covered by RECs and GOs. 114 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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