Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix and transparent reporting of key environmental Greenhouse gas emissions Supplier GHG emissions performance information through CDP. tonnes CO2e We continue to deepen engagement with suppliers In 2008, HP was the first major IT company to representing GHG emissions “hot spots” in our publish aggregated supply chain GHG emissions 2018 2019 2020 2021 supply chain—such as LCD panels, printed circuit data. We continue working to drive progress in this Production supplier Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions* 2,900,000 3,000,000 2,700,000 board assemblies, and memory and storage— area, including through our goals (see right). Our Product transportation 1,300,000 1,250,000 1,510,000 1,620,000 identified through life cycle assessments (LCAs) goal to reduce supply chain GHG emissions and directly collected data. In 2021, this included intensity is one of HP’s three value chain goals Nonproduction supplier Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions* 210,000 190,000 140,000 procurement-driven workshops with 27 suppliers, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative * 2020 is the most recent year data is available. representing about 60% of HP’s production (SBTi). These goals were developed in collaboration spend. Focus areas included setting science- with WWF experts, demonstrating our rigorous based targets and establishing roadmaps for goal-setting process. 2025 GOAL 2025 GOAL increasing renewable energy use. To understand and manage our impacts, we Reduce first-tier production supplier and product Help suppliers cut 2 million tonnes of carbon transportation-related GHG emissions intensity dioxide equivalent (CO e) emissions between 2 calculate supply chain GHG emissions and water For the sixth consecutive year, HP was named by 10% by 2025, compared to 20151 2010 and 20252 withdrawal in two ways: by CDP as a Supplier Engagement Leader for our actions and strategies to reduce emissions PROGRESS THROUGH 2020 PROGRESS THROUGH 2020 • In this section of the report, we include data and manage climate risks in our supply chain. GHG emissions intensity decreased Suppliers avoided reported by our first-tier production suppliers, product transportation suppliers, and nonproduction suppliers. This data reflects the volume of HP’s business with each organization. 4% 1.46 MILLION Through engagement with suppliers, we can Although GHG emissions intensity decreased by through 2020, compared to 2015 TONNES better understand and influence improvements 4% between 2015 and 2020 when calculated as a 3 in performance year over year. of CO2e emissions three-year rolling average, yearly GHG emissions • The supply chain-related data included in our intensity values (not calculated as a rolling Production suppliers carbon and water footprints is derived from average) decreased by 9% during that timeframe. product LCA-based estimates. This analysis is To help reach our goal, we focus our suppliers’ Approach We also worked with other organizations during intended to provide as complete an attention on improving energy management and Through our Supplier Responsibility Scorecards, 2021 to accelerate cross-sector improvements: understanding as possible of impacts across efficiency, using renewable energy, and setting we set requirements for our production suppliers, • HP collaborated with the We Mean Business the multiple levels of our supply chain, from science-based targets. including related to energy use and GHG Coalition, CDP, and industry peers to promote materials extraction through manufacturing emissions performance and disclosure. In 2021, the uptake of SBTi methodology among IT and product use, as well as retail and storage. we continued engaging with suppliers to drive supply chain companies (both production and These calculations use a combination of positive change, for example by providing training nonproduction suppliers) based in the Greater HP-specific and industry methods and data. outlining our environmental expectations. China region. 36 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report
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