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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Letter from our President and CEO We are confronting a set of global challenges that are personal systems and print product portfolio to 13%, as Digital Equity testing the very foundation on which our society is built. we aim for 30% by 2025. We are also committed to helping break down the From an ongoing pandemic to our accelerating climate We also are disrupting the US$10 billion fiber-based barriers that exclude many from participating in the crisis to persistent inequality, these challenges impact sustainable packaging market, with our 3D printing– digital economy. Nearly 3 billion people around the all of us. And the way we respond will help shape our enabled HP Molded Fiber Advanced Tooling Solution and world remain offline due to lack of access, affordability, future in profound and lasting ways. acquisition of Choose Packaging, the inventor of the only or usability. The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the depth Companies like ours have a critical role to play in known commercially available zero-plastic paper bottles. of this issue and even exacerbated it, as many schools helping solve these challenges. That’s why, in 2021, and businesses began operating remotely. we announced one of the most comprehensive We are partnering with leading conservation and That’s why, in 2021, we pledged to accelerate digital environmental and social impact agendas in our environmental organizations, including the World equity for 150 million people by the end of the decade— industry—with aggressive goals focused on climate Wildlife Fund, Conservation International, the Arbor Day a goal we aim to meet with the collaboration and action, human rights, and digital equity. And we have Foundation, and the Jane Goodall Institute, to invest support of key priority partners, like Girl Rising, NABU, been taking decisive action to meet them. in forest restoration and responsible management to MIT Solve, and Aspen Digital, through the Digital Equity counteract deforestation for non-HP paper used in HP Accelerator program launched in February 2022. In our 21st annual Sustainable Impact report, we share printers and print services. Since 2020, all HP brand the progress we are making. There are areas where we paper and paper-based packaging for home and office Building a stronger HP are leading but also opportunities for us to do more. printers and supplies, PCs, and displays have been From our earliest days as a company, HP has been Our teams are operating with the deep sense of derived from recycled or certified sources. a place where innovation drives extraordinary urgency needed to make continuous improvements, Finally, we are broadening our impact by engaging our contributions to humanity. Time and again, our people while forging partnerships to maximize our impact. hundreds of production suppliers and thousands of have had the vision to see entirely new possibilities for While no single company, sector, or even country can non-production suppliers in sustainability programs. the role we can play in the world—and the ingenuity to solve the enormous global challenges before us, we In early 2022, we expanded our Amplify Impact channel create technology that inspires ambitious progress. know we can create a better future by working together. partner program to empower more than 10,000 Climate Action partners in over 40 countries to advance their own That vision and ingenuity is reflected in the progress we sustainable impact journeys. are making against our Sustainable Impact goals today. Of all the challenges facing the world, none is greater And the impact on the world—and our business—is clear. than our climate crisis. And so, we set an ambitious Human Rights In fact, our Sustainable Impact initiatives helped the climate goal: By 2040, HP’s entire value chain—Scope 1, Even as we work to deepen our impact, we are focused company win more than US$3.5 billion in new sales in 2, and 3—will reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, on expanding the diversity of our workforce. Building a fiscal year 2021—a three-fold increase over the prior year. with a 50% reduction in absolute emissions by the end diverse and inclusive workforce is not only the right thing Simply put, when we innovate with purpose, we create of this decade. We’ve already achieved a 9% absolute to do—it also makes good business sense. Diverse teams the conditions for both business and society to thrive. reduction since 2019—but we know we must move faster. will always out-innovate and out-perform the market. Saludos, So, we’re rethinking our materials, as well as how to keep I am inspired by the progress we are making toward them in circular use, and how to reduce our footprint. We aim to double the number of Black and African becoming the world’s most sustainable and just American HP executives by 2025 and reach 50/50 technology company. And I hope our success spurs We’ve made significant progress in reducing gender equality in leadership by 2030. And while HP other businesses to join us in creating the future we plastic waste and using more recycled plastic. We is among the top technology companies for women in want to see—for our companies, our families, and have reduced single-use plastic packaging by 44% leadership positions—and nearly 45% of our U.S. hires our communities. Enrique Lores compared to 2018. And we have increased the use of in 2021 were racial/ethnic minorities—we are exploring President and CEO postconsumer recycled content plastic across our ways to improve inclusive representation at all levels. 3 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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