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Contents Sustainable Impact Footprint Integrity and human rights Supply chain responsibility Operations Products and solutions Appendix Impact Network focuses on education and We partner with historically Black colleges awareness at the site and in the community, and universities (HBCUs) to increase the Employee engagement Employee survey results* including connecting with a local nonprofit to representation of Black/African American Listening and communication drive our Sustainable Impact provide screen readers to the visually impaired. engineers in the high-tech workforce. The annual engagement approach across three focus areas: percentage of employees HP HBCU Business Challenge, in partnership with In our communities the National HBCU Business Deans Roundtable, • Develop our people: Support digital literacy tasks students with tackling critical business and personal growth, and recruit, retain, and 100% We also strive to advance DEI in the communities problems while gaining valuable industry develop key talent. where we live and work. We continue to engage experience. The 2021 event focused on immersive with leading industry organizations and technologies, and students were asked to • Strengthen our culture: Building on our values, 90% conferences that promote women and minority, use virtual reality technology to create a new drive a customer-first culture, promote key veteran, and LGBTQ+ representation in technology. service or solution. Sixteen schools participated, leadership behaviors, and provide a great 80% This includes the National HBCU Business Deans including the winning team from South Carolina onboarding experience. Roundtable, National Society of Black Engineers, State University. 2019 2020 2021 Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, • Shape the employee experience: Deliver a National Association of Multicultural Engineering In 2021, HP launched the HBCU Technology people-centered, consistent, HP Way-aligned HP is socially and environmentally responsible employee experience that supports our * Program Advocates Inc., Society of Women Conference and partnered with Microsoft on a Data refers to the percentage of employee survey respondents mobility, digital transformation, and customer- who strongly agreed or agreed with the statement (2019 VIA and Engineers, and European Women in Tech. Bot-a-thon as part of the Future of Work Academy. focused initiatives. 2020–2021 Quick Clicks). More than 1,200 students and staff from 70 We support the Human Rights Campaign’s HBCUs joined the virtual conference and over We regularly collect feedback from employees to Business Coalition for the Equality Act, related 150 students from 29 HBCUs participated in the better understand and improve their experiences 2021 VOICE INSIGHT ACTION to LGBTQ+ workplace rights, as well as the UN Bot-a-thon, which was focused on developing and identify opportunities to continually strengthen Human Rights Office Standards of Conduct automation use-cases to improve the student our culture. In 2021, 95% of employees participated SURVEY OF HP EMPLOYEES for Business. experience at their own institutions. in our annual VIA employee engagement survey. Highlights: HP works to inspire more women and people from We prioritize DEI within our supply chain, and HP has maintained employee engagement • 85% are excited about the future minorities to consider STEM (science, technology, encourage our suppliers and business partners to throughout the pandemic. Overall, 81% of of HP (up five percentage points engineering, and math) education and careers. do the same. See Supplier diversity for more detail. participants had a favorable view of the employee from 2020). For example, we continue our collaboration experience in 2021, compared to 82% in 2020. HP • 84% believe that HP actively supports with UN Women and our partnerships with continues to be certified as a Great Place to Work, their learning and development (up organizations such as Girl Rising, Girls Who Code, with our rating remaining constant in 2021 blackcomputeHER, Black Girls Code, and the compared to the prior year. See also Recognition. one percentage point). YWCA’s Curated Pathways to Innovation. • 87% receive feedback throughout the year that supports performance improvement (up two percentage points). 49 2021 HP Sustainable Impact Report

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