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Homo Techne My view is the opposite: technological innovation is, and always has, been humanity’s defining feature. Yes, we’re an unusually intelligent species. But what makes us truly unique is how we capitalize on that intelligence—by developing technologies that amplify and complement our mental, physical, and social capacities. If we merely lived up to our name—Homo sapiens— and just sat around thinking all day, we’d be much different creatures than we actually are. A more accurate name for us is Homo techne. GPT-4 (edited for length): Homo techne could be translated as “the technological human” or “the human defined by technology.” In using this term, you are argu- ing that our ability to create and use tools, machines, and other technologies is what makes us truly different from other animals. Reid: That’s correct. Can you give examples of Homo techne throughout history? GPT-4: There are countless examples of how humans have used technology to shape our development as a species throughout history. Here are just a few: - Early humans created stone tools, which allowed them to hunt more effectively and to process food more effi- ciently. This allowed for increased food security and the growth of early civilizations. - The invention of the wheel allowed for the devel- opment of transportation technologies that enabled humans to travel further and faster than ever before. - The printing press, invented in the 15th century, allowed for the mass production of books and the dis- semination of knowledge on an unprecedented scale. 197

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 204 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 203 Page 205