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Education Reid: GPT-4, can you write the next 300 words from your perspective as a large language model and describe how you could extend the Bridge/NewGlobe tablets into a tool to help tens of millions of students throughout Africa and Asia? GPT-4: As a large language model, I can help by enhanc- ing the quality, personalization, and scalability of their learning content. Here is how I would do it: First, I would use natural language processing and com- puter vision to analyze the existing lesson scripts, test scores, teacher feedback, and student performance data from Bridge/NewGlobe schools. I would identify the key learning objectives, concepts, skills, and assessments for each grade level and subject, as well as the common misconceptions, gaps, and difficulties that students face. I would also detect the linguistic, cultural, and contex- tual variations that affect the relevance and appropriate- ness of the content for different regions and settings. Second, I would use natural language generation and computer graphics to create new and improved lesson scripts, activities, exercises, and multimedia resources that are aligned with the learning objectives and adapted to the local needs and preferences of the students and teachers. I would use techniques such as question generation, answer extraction, feedback provision, and adaptive sequencing to make the content more interactive, responsive, and personalized. Third, I would use natural language understanding and speech recognition to monitor and support the delivery and use of the content by the teachers and students. I would also use techniques such as speech-to-text, text- to-speech, and machine translation to enable the users to communicate with the content and with each other in their preferred languages and modes. 43

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 50 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 49 Page 51