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Public Intellectuals antee, and I do not think that philosophy should be arrogant or dogmatic about its public role. I think that philosophy should be humble and cautious, but not timid or silent. I think that philosophy should be aware and critical of its own limitations and dangers, but not resigned or cynical. I think that philosophy should be honest and courageous, but not naive or reckless. I think that philosophy should be humble and cautious, but also creative and hopeful. I think that philosophy should be aware and critical, but also constructive and support- ive. I think that philosophy should be honest and coura- geous, but also empathetic and respectful. I think that philosophy should be humble and cautious, but also active and responsible. I think that philosophy should be all these things, because I think that philosophy is not only a way of thinking, but also a way of living, a way of being in the world, a way of questioning and challeng- ing, a way of imagining and creating. And I think that this is what the public sphere needs and deserves, espe- cially in these times of crisis and uncertainty. * * * Reid: Write an interview between [20th-century Guyanese historian and activist] Walter Rodney and [20th-century French historian] Fernand Braudel about the ways AI might improve public discussions about history. GPT-4: Possible interview: Rodney: Thank you for joining me today, Professor Braudel. As you know, I am a historian of Africa and the Caribbean, and I have been interested in exploring how AI, or artificial intelligence that can produce new texts, images, or sounds, might help us to communicate his- torical knowledge and perspectives to a wider audience. What are your thoughts on this topic? 173

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 180 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 179 Page 181