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Education for ourselves—requires confidence about what it means to be human. But as Mintz wrote: [If ChatGPT] can do a job as well as a person, then humans shouldn’t duplicate those abilities; they must surpass them. The next task for higher education, then, is to prepare graduates to make the most effective use of the new tools and to rise above and go beyond their limitations. That means pedagogies that emphasize active and experiential learning, that show students how to take advantage of these new technologies, and that produce graduates who can do those things that the tools can’t. In peering ahead to determine which skills would most likely be prized in this onrushing future, Mintz referred to the work of Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, a funny and rambunctious young organizational psychologist whose books have titles such as Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? Mintz agreed with Chamorro-Premuzic that humans could thrive alongside AI by: (1) specializing in asking the best ques- tions, (2) learning insights or skills that are not available in the “training data” used by the deep learning networks, and (3) turning insights into actions. Reid: GPT-4, do you agree that these will remain dis- tinctive human capabilities even as your own capabili- ties grow? GPT-4: I agree. Asking the best questions requires curi- osity, creativity, and critical thinking, which are not easily replicated or replaced by AI. Learning insights or skills that are not in the training data requires exploration, experimentation, and discovery, which are not always 25

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 32 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 31 Page 33