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Introduction: Moments of Enlightenment This doesn’t eliminate the possibility of misuse. But, in situat- ing human beings at the center of the new world that GPT-4 makes possible, we get what I believe to be the soundest formula for producing the best potential overall outcomes. In this approach, GPT-4 doesn’t replace human labor and human agency, but rather amplifies human abilities and human flourishing. Of course, this way of thinking isn’t a given. It’s a choice. When people make the choice to see GPT-4 this way, I call it an “AHA!” moment, to underscore the “Amplifying Human Abili- ties” perspective at the heart of that choice. I’m writing this travelog both to encourage people to embrace this choice and also as an invitation to explore the different ways this choice might play out. What are the ways we can use GPT-4 to make progress in the world? How does it fit into humani- ty’s age-old quest to make life more meaningful and prosperous through technological innovation? To educate ourselves more effectively, ensure justice for everyone, and increase our oppor- tunities for self-determination and self-expression? At the same time, how can we appropriately address the chal- lenges and uncertainties GPT-4 will catalyze? How do we find the right balance between responsible governance and intelli- gent risk as we continue to develop AI technologies that have the potential to unlock human progress at a time when the need for rapid large-scale solutions has never been greater? It’s been a long time—centuries, arguably—since the future seemed so unmapped. Facing such uncertainty, it’s only natural to have concerns: about our jobs and careers; about the speed 21

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 28 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 27 Page 29