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Homo Techne didn’t invent love songs; they just made them more accessible (and louder). GPT-4: So you’re saying as humans evolve and incorpo- rate new technologies into our lives, we’re not becoming “less human” as some people might fear. Rather, we’re actually becoming more human because we’re adapting and evolving as a species, which is one of the defining characteristics of humanity. If anything, new technolo- gies just give us new ways to express the emotions and experiences that have always been a part of our lives. Reid: What are the other defining characteristics of humanity and how do those change over the course of history? GPT-4: Some other defining characteristics of humanity that come to mind include curiosity, creativity, and social interaction. Over the course of history, these charac- teristics have changed in various ways. For example, as humans have moved from small, isolated communities to larger, interconnected societies, we’ve had to adapt our social interactions accordingly. As for curiosity and creativity, they’ve continued to drive us to seek out new knowledge, invent new technologies, and explore new places. So even though the way we express these char- acteristics may change over time, they remain central to our identity as humans. Reid: More broadly, what patterns do you observe in how humans talk about becoming more or less human? GPT-4: There are many patterns that I observe in human communication about the notion of becoming more or less human. Here are a few: - Some people fear the potential for technology to make humans less human. They worry that reliance on 203

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 210 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 209 Page 211