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GPT-4 IN MY OWN WORK In the same way I expect GPT-4 and similar technologies to transform the world of work, I also expect them to transform the way I work. I’ve had the opportunity to experiment with GPT-4 for a few months, and while I know I’m still on the steep part of my learning curve, I believe I have enough experience to offer some advice on how to use these tools. When transformational technologies appear, most people are tempted to plug them in as a substitute for an existing tech- nology or technique. This seems sensible, since it minimizes the time and effort needed to start using the new tech, but this approach is actually a trap: seldom is the new technology an exact analogue for what came before. When the internet first appeared, pioneering services like Yahoo! resembled online phone books. Directories were how we found things, so the seemingly logical first step was to create an online directory. We discovered over time that the better approach was to create a new tool: the search engine. We’re still at the online-phone-book stage of LLMs. It’s unlikely to be a direct replacement for search engines across many of their use cases, but it will offer people new ways to gather rele- vant and useful information. 132

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 139 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 138 Page 140