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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI and distances, without fear of surveillance, interception, or censorship by governments, corporations, or other actors. They are often used by activists, journalists, whis- tleblowers, and others who need to expose and confront corruption, injustice, and violence, and to mobilize col- lective action and support. They are also used by ordi- nary people who value their freedom of expression and association, and who want to avoid the manipulation, misinformation, and exploitation that pervade many mainstream and social media platforms. [Final exchange truncated for length] * * * Reid: Write an interview between [Nobel-winning econ- omists] Elinor Ostrom and Friedrich Hayek about ways AI might address the collective action problem. GPT-4: Possible interview: Hayek: Thank you for joining me, Professor Ostrom. I have long admired your work on the governance of common-pool resources and the institutional diversity that enables cooperation among diverse actors. Ostrom: Thank you, Professor Hayek. I have also learned a lot from your insights on the role of knowledge, prices, and competition in a complex and dynamic society. Hayek: I understand that you have been exploring the potential of AI as a tool for addressing the collective action problem. Could you explain what AI is and how it might help? Ostrom: Sure. AI is a branch of artificial intelligence that aims to create novel and useful outputs, such as texts, images, sounds, or designs, based on some input data or criteria. For example, a AI system could generate a 178

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 185 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 184 Page 186