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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI To my mind, just as GPT-4 could become a copilot for every professional worker, it could also be a copilot for everyone nav- igating our criminal justice system. Imagine if every overworked, under-resourced public defender had a trusty GPT-4 assistant at their side to help manage the no-doubt-too-many cases on their plate that month. Better yet, let’s ask GPT-4 to imagine just such a scenario. Reid: Give me an imaginary scenario in which a public defender uses an AI such as GPT-4 to navigate the legal system. What would that look like? GPT-4 (edited for length): In the near future, a public defender working in a legal system may have the option to utilize an AI such as GPT-4 to improve their produc- tivity and accuracy. By using such an AI, the public defender would be able to quickly assess cases and determine the best course of action for their clients. The AI may be used to quickly search through cases in legal databases for relevant information, facts, and details. It could also be used to recommend legal strat- egies or tactics for the ongoing case. In some instances, its applications could even go beyond the traditional attorney-client relationship and provide advice on the best way to present a case in court or deal with compli- cated legal matters. Using an AI for such purposes could also work towards improving access to justice. People who are unfamiliar with the complexities of the legal system could find it easier to understand the proceedings due to the AI’s intuitive design and user-friendly interface. This could be especially beneficial for those who live in remote or rural areas where legal services may be scarce. 72

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 79 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 78 Page 80