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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI But of course, teachers are hardly the only group of Americans with an interest in whether and how schools might use LLMs. The stakes of education and the other Wes Moore Wes Moore was three years old when his dad died. His mom took him from Baltimore to New York to live with her parents. Seeing that crime and poverty had only gotten worse since she left the Bronx, Wes’ mom feared for her son’s future as a fatherless young Black male. Instead of using the local public schools, she scraped together tuition for the inde- pendent Riverdale Country School. Unfortunately, by the time he turned thirteen, Wes was already in trouble for petty crimes and bad grades. Scared for her son, Wes’ mom decided to send him to an even more expensive boarding school out of state. To pay for this, as Wes later wrote, his grandparents sacrificed their retirement and spent “decades of savings and mortgage payments” on tuition at Valley Forge Military Academy. Valley Forge changed Wes’ trajectory. He went on to Johns Hopkins, earned a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford, served in the Army with honor in Afghanistan, and became a prominent CEO. Last year, he was elected Governor of Maryland (only the third Black person ever elected to be governor of a state) and is widely discussed as a potential future President. The flip side of this story of Wes Moore-as-triumph is a darker story of tragedy. The same year that future governor Westley W.O. Moore won his Rhodes Scholarship, another young man named Wesley 34

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 41 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 40 Page 42