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Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI I assume this because, along with the speech’s first sentence, the ninth is frequently quoted in other texts. That means in ChatGPT’s training data, the ninth probably shows up more often than other sentences from the speech (except the very famous first). This prevalence is what causes ChatGPT to reach for it when you ask it to supply the fifth sentence.3 To ChatGPT’s credit, though, if you ask it to turn the text of the Gettysburg Address into lyrics for a Rush song, and then tell you who’d be singing it if Rush performed it, it will pass that test with flying colors. Try it out and see what I mean. Embracing the “AHA!” moment As AI tools like GPT-4 become more powerful, they are inten- sifying long-standing concerns about AIs and robots margin- alizing and even eliminating a sweeping range of human jobs: everything from customer-service reps to attorneys. Such concerns won’t seem baseless if you’ve followed the news in recent months. In December 2022, ChatGPT passed a three- part U.S. medical licensing exam. In January 2023, it passed exams in four law school courses at the University of Minnesota. And GPT-4 is demonstrably smarter than ChatGPT. Here, for example, is how it handled my Gettysburg Address question: Reid: What’s the fifth sentence of the Gettysburg Address? 3 Keep in mind that if you run this prompt, you might get a differ- ent sentence, including the correct one, because even when ChatGPT responds to the same exact prompt, it won’t always make the same prediction. 14

Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 - Page 21 Impromptu by Reid Hoffman with GPT-4 Page 20 Page 22