Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI GPT-4: According to a report by the International Data Corporation (IDC), the world is expected to produce about 175 zettabytes of data by 2025, which is equivalent to 175 trillion gigabytes. This means that the average daily data creation in 2025 would be about 479.5 billion gigabytes. Assuming a linear growth rate from 2020 to 2025, the average daily data creation in 2022 would be about 374.4 exabytes, or 374.4 billion gigabytes. To put this number in perspective, one exabyte of data is enough to store about 250 million DVDs, or to stream Netflix for eighty-six million years. For the record, I fact-checked this reply and it appears to be correct. We’re now producing approximately 375 billion giga- bytes of data per day. Naturally, only a small percentage of this data is newsworthy. If we’re to achieve any degree of clarity in this world of informa- tion superabundance— to effectively set priorities and maintain accountability—we need institutions that can effectively aggre- gate, summarize, analyze, and generally make sense of this daily data tsunami. For journalism, with its long institutional experience in sto- rytelling, error-correction, contextualizing, and overall truth-seeking, this represents both a huge challenge and a massive opportunity. I believe the industry is up to that challenge, but only if its most responsible and ambitious practitioners adopt tools that can dramatically amplify the efforts and impacts of their human employees. To me, that means embracing tools like GPT-4 sooner rather than later. 78
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