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39 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report Intel’s mental wellness strategy is designed to raise awareness of the importance of mental health, cultivate an accepting culture so employees feel safe, and remove barriers to make it easier for our employees and their family members to access and receive care. In response to the pandemic and other difficult events this year, we encouraged utilization of existing mental health resources, including the Intel Employee Assistance Program, which provides confidential counseling and work-life services to employees and their immediate family members. We also launched a digital mental wellness platform to over 75,000 employees to enable easy access to one-on-one coaching, guided medi - tations, therapy, and more. In conjunction with World Mental Health Day in October 2021, we planned Intel’s first Global Mental Wellness week. The event encour - aged employees to invest in themselves, and activities included four speakers, 22 webinars, and other activities. More than 10,000 employees participated. Additional mental wellness events are underway in 2022. 2030 Goal: Employee Safety and Wellness Description. Ensure that more than 90% of our employees believe that Intel has a strong safety culture, and achieve 50% participation in our global corporate wellness program. Baseline. At the start of 2020: (1) 37% of Intel employees (primarily in our manufacturing operations) had the opportunity to provide feedback in our EHS Safety Culture Survey, reporting a baseline average of 79% on “safety is a value“ metrics; and (2) 22% of Intel employees participated in Intel wellness programs (inclusive of employees who reside in countries with no formal program offerings). Progress in 2021. During 2021, our health, safety, and wellness teams took steps to expand the number of employees participating in the safety culture survey to 50%, with an average of 87% reporting on “safety is a value“ metrics. We also worked to increase employee awareness and engagement in our programs, with a focus on prevention and early intervention programs (e.g., ergonomic programs) and participation in the Intel® Vitality Program’s newly expanded virtual offerings. 27% of global Intel employees participated in wellness programs in 2021. Looking Ahead. For our safety culture goal, we will work toward company-wide participation in our safety culture survey (with a target to expand the survey to 62% of employees by end of 2022) and increase employee and man - agement engagement in our safety programs. For our wellness goal, we will continue to further expand our wellness program access to our global employee population over the next four years, with a target to reach 100% of global employees by end of 2025, and then to increase the participation rate for all employees to 50%. Globally, we have 37 on-site health clinics to attend to work-related employee health and safety needs. At our sites in Arizona, New Mexico, and Oregon, we also have Health for Life Centers that provide primary care and specialty services (including acupuncture, chiropractic, behavioral health services, and physical therapy) in a safe and inclusive environment for our employees and their eligible dependents. The Health for Life Centers have administered hundreds of COVID-19 vaccinations and in 2021, delivered approximately 10,000 virtual visits. In 2021, in support of our safety culture and wellness goals, we further increased the percentage of employees who have the opportunity to respond to our safety cul - ture surveys, and achieved 50% employee participation. Our Safety Star Program continues in its fourth year in 2022, and we have adopted multiple leading indicators to assess progress, drive for earlier reporting of ergo - nomic injuries at the first sign of fatigue or discomfort, and promote easier access to services. We also continue to adapt our EHS services to support different work models, including hybrid, onsite, and remote workers. Rate based on 100 employees working full time for one year. Data as of March 1, 2022. Certain historical figures have been updated based on new reported cases received.  Recordable and Days Away Injury Rates Introduction Our Business Inclusive Sustainable Enabling Appendix Responsible

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