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29 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report Respecting Human Rights Human rights are the fundamental rights, freedoms, and standards of treatment to which all people are entitled. Intel’s Global Human Rights Principles , adopted in 2009, formalize our commitment to respecting human rights; embody common principles laid out in multiple frame - works, including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights ; and apply to all employees and contingent workers, including those in our subsidiaries. We are committed to maintaining and improving processes to avoid complicity in human rights violations related to our operations, supply chain, and products. We also look for opportunities to apply our technology to support the advancement of human rights. We have established an integrated approach to managing human rights across our business, including board-level oversight and the involvement of senior-level Manage - ment Review Committees. For example, our annual Combating Modern Slavery and Ensuring Transparent Supply Chains statement is discussed with our Board and signed by one of our directors. Our Corporate Responsibility Office manages our human rights program, and responsibility is also embedded across the company through a cross-Intel Human Rights Steering Committee and close partnerships with global teams that develop and implement policies and actions related to our human rights risks. In 2021, we added our human rights program to an annual Ethics and Legal Compliance review process, which resulted in increased visibility and awareness of human rights topics across the organization. Key learnings will help to drive further improvements. We also meet throughout the year with external stakeholders and experts on human rights to continue to inform and evolve our human rights policies and oversight processes. In 2021, we discussed human rights issues with our investors and NGOs. We also are a signatory to the UN Global Compact , a member of the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights , and a participant in the Centre for Sport and Human Rights and the Partnership on AI . Our Approach to Managing Human Rights Our Operations Our goal is to cultivate a safe, diverse, and respectful work environment where employees can thrive and innovate. See “ Employee Health, Safety, and Wellness ” in the Responsible section and “ Inclusive Workforce ” in the Inclusive section of this report for more detail. In 2021, we deployed a new, holistic human rights training course for employees to help raise their awareness about Intel's initiatives and ways they can take action in their roles to advance our human rights strategy. The course has received positive feedback from employees and we will continue to expand it. The Intel Environmental, Health, and Safety Policy guides us to “provide a safe and injury-free workplace” through our core safety programs and injury-reduction initiatives— not only for our employees, but also for contractors work - ing at our sites. In addition, our recently updated Global Water Policy reinforces our respect for the human right to water by helping us responsibly meet our operational needs as well as those of our communities. Our Supply Chain As a founding member of the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA), we hold our suppliers accountable to the same expectations we have for ourselves. Over the past decade, we have directly engaged with our suppliers to verify compliance and build capacity to address risks of forced and bonded labor and other human rights issues. We also engage with indirect suppliers through our programs on forced and bonded labor and responsible minerals. Our significant invest - ments of time and resources are aimed at influencing system-level, industry-wide improvements to protect and empower workers in the global electronics supply chain and to reduce community impacts. We continue our efforts to combat forced and bonded labor in our supply chain which includes prohibiting holding worker passports and charging workers fees to obtain employ - ment. Since 2014, we have remediated the return of over $25 million in fees to suppliers ’ workers. For more information, see “ Supply Chain Responsibility ” later in this section. Introduction Responsible Inclusive Sustainable Enabling Appendix Our Business

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