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Our Business Responsible Inclusive Sustainable Enabling Appendix 2 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report Introduction Table of Contents Introduction 2 Table of Contents 2 Letter From Our CEO 3 Letter From Our CPO 4 A Year in Review 5 IRTI: Going Beyond COVID-19 6 Corporate Responsibility 7 and Our 2030 RISE Strategy Awards and Recognitions 11 Our Business 12 Company Profile 13 Our People and Culture 20 Governance, Ethics, and Public Policy 24 Stakeholder Engagement 28 Respecting Human Rights 29 Supply Chain Responsibility 32 Responsible 35 Responsible: Our Approach 36 Employee Health, Safety, and Wellness 37 Protecting Human Rights in the Supply Chain 40 Responsible Minerals Sourcing 42 Responsible Mobility 44 Revolutionizing Health 45 and Safety Through Technology Inclusive 47 Inclusive: Our Approach 48 Inclusive Workforce 49 Social Equity 56 Building a Diverse Technology Industry 58 Supplier Diversity and Inclusion 59 Making Technology Fully Inclusive 61 and Expanding Digital Readiness Sustainable 64 Sustainable: Our Approach 65 Environmental Management 66 Climate and Energy 68 Product Energy Efficiency 71 Water Stewardship 72 Waste and Circular Economy Solutions 74 Sustainable Manufacturing 76 and Chemistry Initiatives Achieving Carbon Neutral Computing 77 Enabling 79 Enabling: Our Approach 80 Employees Changing the World 81 Intel Foundation: Rising to the Future 84 Collaborating for Technology Impact 85 Appendix 87 About this Report 88 Independent Limited Assurance Statement 89 Performance Data Summary 90 SASB and TCFD Framework Alignment 91 UN Sustainable Development Goals 94 Non-GAAP Financial Measures 95 Intel 2021 Water Inventory by Location and Source 96 2021 Environmental, Health, and Safety Violations 98 Top 100 Production and Service Suppliers 99 Acronym Index 100 Our Commitment to Transparency This report provides a comprehensive summary of our approach to corporate responsibility and our performance for calendar and fiscal 2021, unless otherwise stated. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Comprehensive option. Our GRI Content Index is provided on our Report Builder website. We also use other recognized frameworks to inform the content of this report, including the United Nations (UN) Global Compact, UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the Value Reporting Foundation . 1 In 2021, we continued to advance our integrated reporting strategy to include environ - mental, social, and governance information in our 2021 Annual Report on Form 10-K and 2022 Proxy Statement , available on our Investor Relations website. For additional information on Intel’s approach to corporate responsibility, supporting documents and data, past reports, and to customize a report with the sections of your choice, visit our Corporate Responsibility and Report Builder websites. 1 SASB and IIRC announced the finalization of their merger in June 2021, creating a unified organization, the Value Reporting Foundation.

Intel Corporate Responsibility Report - Page 2 Intel Corporate Responsibility Report Page 1 Page 3