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88 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report About This Report We prepared this report in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards: Comprehensive option. A GRI Content Index is provided on our Report Builder website. We also use other recognized frameworks to inform the content of this report, including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Standards, the Task Force on Climate- Related Financial Disclosures framework, the UN Global Compact, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We continue to integrate sustainability information into our investor communications, and additional information about Intel’s operations and financial statements is available in the 2021 Intel Annual Report on Form 10-K . The Our Business section of this report covers content recommended by the International Integrated Reporting Council for inclusion in “integrated reports,” and can be downloaded as a standalone document or read as an interactive part of our full 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report. For a high-level overview of Intel’s corporate responsibility, supporting documents and data, past reports, and to customize a report with the sections you choose, visit our Corporate Responsibility and Report Builder websites. A printed summary of the report is available by request. Send questions, comments, or feedback to Jocelyn Cascio, Ag. Director of Corporate Responsibility, Intel Corporation, 5000 W. Chandler Blvd., CH7-437, Chandler, AZ 85226 US You can also use our web-based feedback form or the CSR@Intel blog to contact our Corporate Responsibility team. For best viewing results on a PC or tablet, we recommend using Adobe Acrobat DC or QuickTime . For best printing results, use letter-size paper. Report Scope and Profile With the Intel 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report, we aim to provide stakeholders with a balanced view of our corporate responsibility strategy and performance for Intel’s world - wide operations during fiscal year 2021 (ended December 26, 2021). Our previous report was published in May 2021. References to “Intel” throughout this report pertain to Intel Corporation. The Intel Foundation is a separate entity. The report does not include performance information for Intel’s joint ventures or firms included in the investment portfolio of Intel Capital, Intel’s global investment organization, unless specified. Financial data is presented in US dollars. This year’s report does not reflect any significant changes in reporting scope compared to our previous report. Principles and policies apply to all officers and employees of Intel and its subsidiaries, unless otherwise noted. Key performance indicators cover our global manufacturing operations, including our wafer manufacturing and assembly and test facilities. Unless stated other - wise, 2021 data is considered final based on information received by May 1, 2022, and provided that information reproduced or derived from the 2021 Intel Annual Report on Form 10-K speaks as of January 22, 2022, the date we submitted our Form 10-K for filing. Approach to Report Assurance The information in this Corporate Responsibility Report is subject to internal reviews and, for selected content, external reviews. On a regular basis, we validate the management systems and processes used to collect the data. We have maintained a multi-site ISO 14001 certification for our manufacturing locations since 2001, which requires independent third-party audits at many of our sites each year. In 2019, we established a company-wide certification to ISO 45001, an internationally recognized standard for environmental, health, and safety management systems, which requires independent third-party audits at our manufacturing sites. As of January 1, 2022, all of our manufacturing sites meet the ISO 50001 Energy Management System standard. Our operations in Ireland are covered by the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme. For many years, we have obtained third-party verification for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Since 2012, we have completed third-party assurance for selected indicators contained in our Corporate Responsibility Report. For the 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report, we engaged Apex Companies LLC to complete the assurance review. Their report is included in this Appendix. This 2021-22 Corporate Responsibility Report contains forward-looking statements, and actual results could differ materially. Risk factors that could cause actual results to differ are set forth in the “Risk Factors” section of the 2021 Intel Annual Report on Form 10-K , as updated by our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended April 2, 2022. These risk factors are subject to update by our future filings and submissions with the US Securities and Exchange Commission and earnings releases. Forward-looking statements are based on expectations as of the date of this report, unless an earlier date is indicated. Statements derived from our 2021 Annual Report on Form 10-K speak as of January 27, 2022. Intel disclaims any duty to update any statement made in this report except to the extent required by law. This report contains non-GAAP financial measures relating to our performance. You can find the reconciliation of these measures to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measures in this Appendix, and further explanation of these adjustments in the “Non-GAAP Financial Measures” within “Management’s Discussion and Analysis” in the 2021 Intel Annual Report on Form 10-K . Introduction Our Business Responsible Inclusive Sustainable Enabling Appendix

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