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Joining RELAYTO/ Team: Why & How

Do you want to do legendary work? Do you want to help any knowledge worker do legendary work? Read on, then...


Thanks for your interest in opportunities with RELAYTO/ (view for more details), the first publishing platform for smart, interactive documents.  Our founding team members shape how customers use the product. And support the launch of new business(es) with RELAYTO/ platform. 

The first step for all our future colleagues (regardless of the role) is to dive into the product. In our experience, the most fruitful discussions come only after a basic understanding of what we do. So, let’s get to know each other via this emerging medium. If, after trying out RELAYTO, you are as excited as we are -- then let’s have a discussion about how we join forces.

More details below. Email us at [email protected], if you have any questions!   
If you are the type of person who likes challenges ... and seeks to be on the ground floor of the future of work ... talk soon.  


Who? And why this process?

A quarter century ago, two engineers, developed a new document format, the PDF, to simplify… PRINTING. Little did he know PDFs would power 85% of customer-facing documents (and likely your CV) to date... when we're printing less and less, viewing everything on our phones, and expecting instantaneous feedback.

This is the perfect time for a modern medium for documents, and we are expanding to start new businesses leveraging our publishing platform, RELAYTO/

We're eager to see what's going to happen once we actually launch the product publicly, raise external funding, and grow our team to build on this momentum. 

Speaking of the team, we self-select for our mission: helping anyone unleash their ideas. 
So the first step is a quick challenge to unleash yours. Whether you code, design, manage, market or sell, we look for 'doers' who are curious about the product. 

So dive in and imagine what still needs to be done in order to make documents work for us, instead of us working for the documents. For example, check out live public demos  

Round 1: Product Discovery

If you have not signed up already, please do so here and start exploring!


Build something that matters to you and your audience. And show us how you can take advantage of RELAYTO/'s current interactive document capabilities. Start by importing an existing PPF, or create an original rich media mini-site.

Send URL of your RELAYTO/ document to [email protected]


Round 2: Interview

In the first interview, let's discuss your professional goals and see if we could support you with RELAYTO/. Do take note of what you like/dislike while using the product. We'd love to get your thoughts during or prior to the interview. If we find a mutual fit... here is what happens next.


Round 3: Final Interview(s)

Follow-up interviews with the leadership team - Alex, Nikita, Sergis - or our advisors who include co-founders of Eventbrite, SuccessFactors/SAP and Trulia.

In some cases it makes sense to do a joint, real-life project before diving into full-time commitment - so you and us could see how we work together.

Ready to make the dive? We hope this starter jetpack helps. Enjoy the ride! 

How businesses use RELAYTO/

Check out some of the solutions that RELAYTO/ can bring to your organization:

And many more...

To find out more inspiration of how RELAYTO/ can help your organization, check out our extensive RELAYTO/ Inspiration Library .

Team Values that unite our Fellowship of Do-ers

Imagine you can find meaning and joy at work: your team's mission, the work you do and the way you do it.

If you're at RELAYTO/, you're choosing to be at the equivalent of Special Forces for the business world. ... That has pluses and minuses. This document dives into details ...

Do you have what it takes to join team RELAYTO/? Take a look at the RELAYTO/ Values Contract, which rule everything we do.

Available roles and descriptions

Check out our RELAYTO Jobs Hub to see all the positions available


RELAYTO Content Experience

RELAYTO Content Experience

The fastest way to build digital experiences. We empower businesses to convert PDFs, presentations and other content into interactive experiences & webpages with instant branding, analytics & more




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