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Global Reporting Initiative Index Source Key 2021 Form 10-K Environmental and Social Policy Framework 2021 ESG Report Appendices 2021 ESG Report Code of Conduct Modern Slavery Act Statement Code of Ethics for Finance Professionals 2022 Proxy Statement Corporate Governance Principles Weblinks FY2021 Environmental Data Reporting Status Fully reporting Partially reporting We assess and identify new or emerging ESG issues that could impact or be impacted by our Firm through discussions with subject matter experts from across our business, analyzing feedback we receive through our engagement with stakeholders, and monitoring of ESG trends and policy developments, disclosure standards and industry best practices. We have identified the following ESG topics as the most relevant to our business and of greatest interest to our stakeholders. • Environmental topics include; developing financial solutions that help address climate change and other environ - mental impacts; managing environmental and climate-related risks; minimizing the environmental impacts of our physical operations; and collaborating with organizations to advance sustainable development. • Social topics include; serving our customers; addressing human rights-related risks; developing financial solutions that improve quality of life and generate other positive social impacts; expanding economic opportunity in the communities where we do business; investing in our human capital; promoting diversity, equity and inclusion; and strengthening consumer financial health. • Governance topics include cultivating a strong risk and control environment; fostering a culture of transparency and ethical behavior; maintaining effective Board leadership and management processes; participating in political engagement and public policy; safeguarding privacy and cybersecurity. We have identified the following GRI topics as related to our key ESG topics: economic performance, indirect economic impacts, anti-corruption, anti-competitive behavior, energy, emissions, employment, training and education, diversity and equal opportunity, human rights assessment, local communities, public policy, product portfolio, audit, active ownership, marketing and labeling, customer privacy and socioeconomic compliance. The index below includes GRI indicators that are relevant to our business. Unless otherwise noted, all data and descriptions apply to our entire Firm and are as of or for the year ended December 31, 2021. 63 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE ESG REPORT APPENDICES List of Acronyms Resources Global Reporting Initiative Index Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Index JPMorgan Chase Sustainable Bond Annual Report

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