TOTAL $285B Green $106B Community Development $61B Development Finance $117B Eligibility Criteria $B % Sustainab le Transportation $22 4 21% Renewable En ergy & Energy Efficiency $14 14% Water & Waste Management $6 6% Green Buildings $2 2% Mixed Use 5 $60 57% Courtesy of Vineyard Wind LLC GREEN By the end of 2030, we aim to finance and facilitate $1 trillion in support of the deployment of solutions for cleaner sources of energy and facilitating the transition to a low-carbon economy. Our eligible business activities include renewable energy, clean technology, water, waste management, conservation, sustainable transportation, green buildings and energy efficiency. In 2021, we financed and facilitated approximately $106 billion in support of our green objective, particularly towards sustainable transportation and renewable energy. We supported these areas through a variety of businesses around our Firm, such as underwriting green bonds for corporate and sovereign issuers, capital raising and advisory services for electric vehicles ("EV") companies and lending to emerging renewable energy companies. 2021, in particular, was a year characterized by strong market factors, including record-breaking global M&A activity and significant growth of the sustainable bond market. Our Target in Action: Powering America’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm JPMorgan Chase served as Joint Lead Arranger for more than $2 billion in financing for the 800 megawatt Vineyard Wind project, the first offshore wind farm in the United States capable of generating power at utility scale and the country’s largest source of offshore wind power. Situated off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard, the project is expected to supply enough energy to serve the needs of 400,000 Massachusetts households and businesses and avoid 1.68 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually, while contributing to efforts to transition the U.S. power grid to cleaner sources of energy. JPMorgan Chase provided services across our diversified business to support the development of Vineyard Wind. We provided Investment Banking services, acting as Joint Lead Arranger and Syndication Agent for a senior secured loan. We also provided Markets products (providing hedges to mitigate risk) and Treasury products (cash management as the depository account bank). 6 4 Totals may not sum due to rounding. 5 Mixed Use is comprised of transactions where the use of proceeds may facilitate activities across more than one eligibility criteria, such as green bonds and emissions contracts. 6 Of the various products and services JPMorgan Chase provided to support the project, only the senior secured loan was counted towards the Target. For the senior secured loan which had multiple book runners, only JPMorgan Chase's participation is counted toward the Target. Select Eligibility Criteria by Dollar Amount 8 INTRODUCTION Message from Our Chairman & CEO Company at a Glance Our Approach to ESG Feature: Our $2.5 Trillion Sustainable Development Target ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL GOVERNANCE ESG REPORT APPENDICES
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