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Our 2025 Commitment Progress through December 31, 2021 GROW SMALL BUSINESSES • Provide an additional $2 billion for 15,000 small business loans to Black, Hispanic and Latino communities. • Building the infrastructure and f oundation to help small businesses grow through new programs, products and hiring, including: • Hired 25 diverse senior business consultants to provide free one-on-one coaching for business owners in 14 U.S. cities. • Mentored more than 1,000 small businesses. • Hosted educational events, community workshops and business training sessions with more than 28,000 participants. • Through government relief programs, business owners sought relief and liquidity from the U.S. Small Business Administration ("SBA"), including the Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP") and Economic Injury Disaster Loans ("EIDLs"). While PPP loans are not part of the Firm’s Racial Equity Commitment, JPMorgan Chase was the #1 PPP lender on a dollar basis – over the life of the program, we funded more than 400,000 loans for more than $40 billion. More than 30% of those loans went to businesses in majority-minority census tracts. • While small business lending volume through 2021 is below 2019 levels, the Firm expects to make progress against the $2 billion small business lending commitment in the years ahead. SPEND MORE WITH DIVERSE SUPPLIERS • Spend an additional $750 million with Black, Hispanic and Latino suppliers. • Spent an additional $155 million with 140 Black, Hispanic and Latino suppliers. IMPROVE FINANCIAL HEALTH AND ACCESS TO BANKING • Help one million consumers open low-cost checking or savings accounts by opening branches in underserved communities and increasing marketing to reach more underserved, unbanked or underbanked consumers. • Hire 150 community managers and open new Community Center branches in underserved communities. • Continue to invest in our real estate presence in low-to-moderate income neighborhoods around the country. • Helped customers open more than 200,000 low-cost checking accounts with no overdraft fees. • Opened an additional 10 Community Center branches in low-to-moderate communities, often in urban areas with larger Black, Hispanic and Latino populations. • Opened 47 out of 100 new branches in low-to-moderate income communities, many with larger Black, Hispanic and Latino populations. • Hired more than 100 Community Managers in underserved communities who serve as local ambassadors to build and nurture relationships with community leaders, nonprofit partners and small businesses. BUILD A MORE DIVERSE AND INCLUSIVE WORKFORCE • Build a more equitable and representative workforce and hold executives accountable by incorporating priorities and progress into year-end performance evaluations and compensation decisions for members of the Operating Committee and their direct reports. • Expanded our Accountability Framework to include additional select senior leaders. • Expanded the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program to create three new employee programs supporting Hispanic and Latino employees, LGBT+ employees and Asian and Pacific Islander employees. • The Firm pledged to hire 4,000 Black students by 2024, and exceeded the total goal this year by hiring 4,192 Black students as interns, fellows and entry-level analysts. PROVIDE PHILANTHROPIC CAPITAL TO ADVANCE INCLUSIVE RECOVERY • Provide $2 billion in philanthropic capital to advance an inclusive economic recovery and support Black, Hispanic and Latino and other underserved communities. • Committed $396 million toward our philanthropic target, which includes grants, low-cost loans and direct equity. 23 INTRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL Feature: Our Commitment to Racial Equity Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Human Capital Inclusive Growth GOVERNANCE ESG REPORT APPENDICES

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