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Cette charte graƒhi„ue déŽinit le nŠuŒeau €his manual defines ’réal’s ne„ visual territŠire Œi‹uel de ’­réal. Elle ƒré‹ente le‹ territor… and presents the guidelines to follo„ ƒrinciƒe‹ d’utili‹atiŠn de la mar„ue dan‹ „hen using the brand in all its different ‹e‹ diŽŽérente‹ aƒƒlicatiŠn‹. †Šu‹ ŒŠu‹ applications. lease read through this entire recŠmmandŠn‹ de cŠn‹ulter l’en‹em•le manual before creating a document or using de ce dŠcument aŒant d’enŒi‹ager tŠute an… of these elements. déclinai‹Šn. or ne„ applications, or if …ou have the –Šur cha„ue nŠuŒelle aƒƒlicatiŠn, à la slightest doubt concerning one of the mŠindre interrŠgatiŠn cŠncernant l’un de‹ principles presented hereafter, fell free to ƒrinciƒe‹ exƒŠ‹é‹ ci˜aƒrè‹, n’hé‹ite¡ ƒa‹ à contact the Communications †epatment cŠn‹ulter la ˆirectiŠn de la cŠmmunicatiŠn of ’réal‡ de ’­réal ‘ ˆ‰‰ Š‹ŒŽ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ ‹‹ +33 1     „„„ ¢¢¢.lŠreal.charte.cŠm Each part of this manual has its o„n detailed Cha„ue ƒartie a ‹Šn ƒrŠƒre ‹Šmmaire table of contents at the beginnig of the détaillé au dé•ut de chaƒitre. chapter.  / ’­réal‚Charte graƒhi„ue

L'Oreal Brand Book - Page 6 L'Oreal Brand Book Page 5 Page 7