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Lasting Impact Presentation Template — Google Slides, PowerPoint & PDF

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech AremarkabledecadeofUKtechgrowth. $1trn 135 10 22 valuedUKtechecosystem techunicorns techdecacorns citieswithatechunicorn $60bnin2013 13in2013 01in2013 5in2013 x16in10years x10in10years x10in10years x4in10years $157bn 4.8mjobs investmentintoUKtech 2.33min2013 companiesin10years x2in10years

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech Company’simpactontheUKtech economy. Over1/3 ofalltechunicorns$1bn+ valuedcompaniesand decacorns$10bn+valued companiescreatedinthe UK havegraduatedfroma Company growth programme

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech Company’simpactontheUKtecheconomy. Fewerthan 13IPOs £600m £15 1300+ 10% fromCompany contributedtothe return onevery£1invested companieshave havegoneinto alumnicompanies UKeconomy inCompanybythe graduated fromoneof liquidation overthelast (GrossValueAdded) UKGovernment Company ‘s growth 9years programs £28bn +46% +18% 13,000 raisedby acceleration in turnover accelerationin jobscreatedby Company alumni incompaniessupported employment in Company alumni byCompanywithin companiessupportedby nationwideasa 2 years of participating Company within2years of resultofour ina growthprogramme participatingina growth intervention programme

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech Company’s deliverysinceinception. companiesfromacrossthecountryaccelerated +through48growthprogrammes,including: 1300

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech Company’sdeliverysinceinception. 5000+ 6000+ 80+ companiessupported GlobalTalentVisa researchreports,givingan applicationsprocessed, unrivalled,impartialand and3000+visasendorsed comprehensiveanalysisof theUK’sdigitaleconomy 64,000+ 700+ studententrepreneurs eventstoconnectand throughourDigital informtheecosystem BusinessAcademy

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech Company:Highlights INTERNATIONAL GROWTH EXPANSION NetZeroX launched Company NetZeroGrowthProgramlaunched GrowthPlatformlaunched ISBORN LawtechUKlaunchedalongside GBxAsia network for British tech theLawtechDeliveryPaneland entrepreneurs launchedin Singapore, the Ministry of Justice supportedbythe TechCity&TechNorth joinedforces, and UKFintechPledgelaunched; DigitalTradeNetwork rebrandedas developedbyourFintech Company Delivery Panel, supportedby HMTreasury Fintechgrowthprogram andRisingStarslaunched International expansionthrough theAsia-Pacific regionfocussed InsuretechBoard DigitalTradeNetwork,launchedin established partnership with DIT and DCMS 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 BROADENING NEW DIGITAL HORIZONS LAUNCHES TRANSFORMATION The Prime Minister and LaunchofAppliedAi Libralaunched Chancellorannounce andCyberprogrammes theexpansionofTech Advancetrainingcourses City into Company launchedforscale-up leaders Launchofthe Entrepreneur EngagementNetwork TechZeroTaskforceandTech acrossUK ZeroPledgelaunched DataCommonslaunched FintechPledgelaunched Company tookoverthe executive Diversity& InclusionToolkit deliveryfunctionrole forthe launched LawtechDeliveryPanel 7

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Company'sLastingImpactonUKTech Company Alumni

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