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We foster a culture of ethical conduct to guide everyone in our organization, from our leaders to our colleagues and to our suppliers. We regularly share our expectations and continually monitor our organization to ensure compliance with company policies and applicable laws. In addition to a Code of Conduct for colleagues, we have set forth our expectations for our Board in a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics for Non-Employee Directors and all of our suppliers in our Vendor and Supplier Code of Conduct . The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has oversight over ethics and compliance. Ethics and Oversight To help ensure that our entire organization behaves in a legal and ethical manner, we provide annual training to all colleagues, alternating between our Code of Conduct and General Legal Compliance Training. In addition to this formal instruction, we regularly train our colleagues on a number of other areas that affect how we conduct our business with integrity. We work to instill our values and communicate expected behaviors through team huddles, the Employee Handbook and other ongoing communications. Our Ethics Hotline Our company culture encourages people to speak up and do the right thing. We make it easy for our colleagues to report suspected misconduct through our confidential, third-party Compliance Connection toll-free telephone line and web reporting service. Pursuant to our policy, we do not retaliate against colleagues that report allegations of violations of our Code of Conduct, with full legal protection, and we ensure that all allegations are fully investigated. We also offer a separate hotline for our suppliers to report their concerns. Additionally, we welcome input from our customers and offer many vehicles that the public can use to raise issues or complaints. We encourage stakeholder and shareholder dialogue. Customers may contact us via Customer Service, U.S. mail, email, website or a convenient online Tell Us What You Think response form . The company will investigate concerns raised about compliance with company policies as follows: · The issue will be assigned for investigation to colleagues who are skilled and objective. · The investigators will gather information and determine facts. The investigation will be prompt and thorough, and confidentiality will be maintained to the maximum extent possible. · The investigators may recommend corrective action, if necessary, to appropriate managers for implementation. · Where appropriate, the colleague raising the concern will receive feedback on the outcome. Political Contributions We take an active part in the communities where we live and work. We take seriously our responsibility and opportunity to assist policymakers as they consider public policy questions that could affect our company, colleagues and customers. Our Government Affairs Policy sets forth our policies, approval process and oversight regarding political contributions. We publicly report on our website all political contributions made with corporate funds and trade organizations to which we paid $25,000 or more in dues and the portion of that payment the organization told us was allocated for lobbying. Data Protection and Privacy We recognize the importance of protecting consumer and colleague data and have robust systems, processes and practices in place to protect sensitive data. Our Corporate Information Security Officer leads our data protection | Sustainability Report 2020 Return to Table of Contents 35

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