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We’ve also made a number of social commitments designed to bene昀椀t people and places where we operate: ˦ 2019: We announced a $1 billion Bay Area housing commitment to suppo爀琀 the development of at least 20,000 homes at a range of income levels throughout the region, of which at least 5,000 will be a昀昀ordable. ˦ 2020: We announced commitments to racial equity focused on building sustainable equity for our Black community, building products for change, helping create economic oppo爀琀unity, improving education, and suppo爀琀ing racial justice organizations. ˦ 2020: We responded to the devastating e昀昀ects of the COVID-19 global pandemic with an $800+ million commitment to suppo爀琀 small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), health organizations and governments, and frontline health workers. We continue our work to drive positive social and business impact. In 2022, we launched a $100 million Google Career Ce爀琀i昀椀cates Fund, with the goal of reaching more than 20,000 American workers and the potential to drive $1 billion in wage gains. We also aim to grow our spending with diverse suppliers to $2.5 billion while expanding our program beyond the United States to include suppliers from historically underrepresented groups around the world. For more information about our sustainability strategy, see Google’s Sustainability website and sustainability repo爀琀s page. For more information about our overall corporate responsibility initiatives, see Google’s commitments to signi昀椀cantly improving the lives of as many people as possible, along with sustainability and related information. For more information about our business, see the About Google and Alphabet Investor Relations websites. Alphabet Sustainability Bond Impact Report 2022 Introduction 6

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