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Project selection and repo爀琀ing A commi琀琀ee consisting of representatives from Alphabet’s Sustainability, Treasury, and Finance teams evaluated a broad array of projects from across the company to identify Eligible Projects. The 昀椀nal allocation of net proceeds to Eligible Projects was reviewed and approved by Google’s Chief Sustainability O昀케cer. Projects were selected based on the following factors: ˦ Consistency with eligibility criteria ˦ Alignment with our sustainability strategy ˦ Magnitude of environmental or social impact ˦ Ability to track and audit project expenditures, contractual commitments, and/or capital commitments To ensure transparency and alignment with our Framework, we commi琀琀ed to repo爀琀ing annually on which projects have been funded from the bonds’ net proceeds and their expected sustainability impact. Information contained in this Sustainability Bond Impact Repo爀琀 is not incorporated in, and is not pa爀琀 of, any repo爀琀 or 昀椀ling we make with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. We’ve received an Independent Accountants’ Repo爀琀 providing assurance of management’s asse爀琀ion of our full allocation of net proceeds to Eligible Projects. Alphabet Sustainability Bond Impact Report 2022 About our Sustainability Bond 10

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