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Featuring key voices from the industry RELAYTO PODCAST Peter Fader PhD Steve King Professor | Martech Ex-CEO Experience-focused Leaders podcast from RELAYTO Laura Gitman Scott Wharton Our podcast is a premier forum for the exchange of Chief Impact Officer General innovative ideas and best practices in customer experience, manager of B2B featuring conversations with renowned leaders such as: ● Steve King, former CEO of DocuSign ● Aaron Au, Co-founder of SuccessFactors ● Godard Abel, Founder and CEO of G2 ● Laura Gitman, CIO of BSR Kevin Mahaffey Godard Abel ● and other luminaries from globally recognized Founder | CTO Founder and CEO companies. Our audience comprises accomplished individuals who are not just successful but also keen on discovering novel ways to advance their customer-centric approaches. Aaron Au Alex Theuma Co-Founder | CTO Founder Experience-focused Leaders Podcast

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