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Nike takes all allegations of misconduct or other wrongdoing seriously and will investigate them thoroughly. In some cases, Nike is legally required to report an investigation either internally or externally. No employees should initiate or conduct investigations relating to any concern or allegation of misconduct or violation of the Code on their own. Depending on the nature and seriousness of the allegation, the investigation may be conducted by the Ethics & Compliance Office, Legal, Global Investigations, Operational Resilience, Loss Prevention, Employee Relations or other internal investigative functions. The reason is simple: If processes aren’t followed, or if someone begins an investigation without the authority to do so, there is a greater risk for errors that may compromise confidentiality, violate the law, damage our reputation, jeopardize Nike’s investigative process or undermine a fair investigation. Having the experts evaluate allegations and determine the appropriate function to investigate helps prevent missteps and ensures a thorough and fair process. To that end, it is the role of all managers who receive concerns of misconduct or violations of the Code from employees to report those allegations using an appropriate reporting channel, including the Speak Up Portal , Human Resources and the Ethics & Compliance Office . It is incredibly important for Nike employees to cooperate with ongoing internal investigations to ensure that relevant facts are discovered and evaluated. If requested, please cooperate fully and provide complete and timely answers to questions and comply with document and information requests by Nike’s investigators. LEARN MORE  Policy on Investigations WHAT HAPPENS IF WHAT I SAY STARTS AN INVESTIGATION? 10

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