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GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY Keep business courtesies infrequent and of appropriate value Providing gifts or hospitality to a third party has its time and place. But it’s to be avoided when it compromises professional judgment, creates a conflict of interest, makes you or anyone else feel a sense of obligation or is illegal in the country in which it occurs. We do not offer, give or accept gifts of cash (or cash equivalents) in any business relationship. As a rule, never offer or give anything of value to a government official, unless you have approval in advance from the Ethics & Compliance Office . Gifts and hospitality may be accepted or given only if they strictly adhere to our policy on gifts, hospitality and other payments and are within the monetary limits prescribed for your function, department or territory. In some situations, gifts and hospitality above prescribed monetary limits may be appropriate. For example, it may be appropriate to give or receive gifts and hospitality that are directly related to our industry (e.g., Nike product, event tickets or sports memorabilia) when demonstrating Nike’s commitment to athletes, amplifying sport and the Nike brands and building goodwill with business partners. Remember, all gifts and hospitality must be in compliance with applicable law and always record all gifts and hospitality accurately in our books and records. I hear my team has a “no gifts” policy. Is that true? It’s possible. While Nike’s policy on gifts, hospitality and other payments provides general guidelines as to the monetary limits for gifts and hospitality, a specific function, department or territory may impose more restrictive limits. Always check with your manager or the Ethics & Compliance Office first to see what limits apply to you. I received a gift from a vendor I know I can’t accept. What should I do? Return the gift to the vendor and politely explain our policy. If the gift is something perishable, like flowers or a food basket, where return is not really an option, place it in a common area in the office where it can be enjoyed by everyone. WHAT IF...? LEARN MORE  Policy on Gifts, Hospitality and Other Payments  Policy on Government Official Expenses and Gifts  Policy on Comp Product 18

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