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SPEAK UP Make your voice heard, even if it’s just to ask a question We know it takes courage to come forward and share your concerns. Nike believes in – and will always advocate for – a culture where all employees feel respected and included. We are strongest when everyone’s voice is heard; it’s only in a culture of openness and honesty that we can all do our best work. If you see or suspect anything illegal, unethical or inappropriate, it may seem easier or safer to look the other way or let someone else take the lead. But misconduct affects all of us. Please speak up if you see or experience something, anything, that does not align with our values. You do not need to be sure something is wrong or have all the details to raise a concern, though the more detail you can provide, the more effective an investigation will be. You may report your concern anonymously, where permitted by law. You can trust that Nike will treat your report seriously, fairly and promptly. And if something needs to be fixed, we will take action. We don’t tolerate retaliation. We will take all appropriate actions to prevent adverse consequences for raising a concern about potential misconduct or in cooperating with an investigation. Anyone who retaliates against an employee for these activities will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. When you speak up, you are protecting yourself, your colleagues and Nike. Seeking help is always the right thing to do. The process for raising a concern should be easy. That’s why there are a variety of ways to do so. Choose the reporting option you are most comfortable with – whichever option you choose, we will take appropriate actions to protect your confidentiality as best as possible. Use the Speak Up Portal either by phone or through the website. Where permitted by law in your country, your reports may be made anonymously; the Speak Up Portal is hosted by an independent third party. Contact Human Resources or the Ethics & Compliance director in your geography. Contact the Ethics & Compliance Office . Contact your manager or another leader on your team. WHAT IF...? I feel unsure about reporting a concern about someone in a leadership position. I don’t want them to find out I said something. What should I do? It’s important to voice your concerns, no matter who the person in question may be. Nike takes all appropriate actions to protect the identity of someone sharing information, as well as the confidentiality of the information being shared. You may report your concern using the Speak Up Portal and choose to remain anonymous, where permitted by law. OK, I spoke up and raised my concern about the person in a leadership position. I feel like my peers are holding this against me. What should I do? We do not tolerate retaliation by anyone, including your peers, in any form, whether overt or subtle. So if you feel like any teammate, be it a manager or a peer or anyone else, is retaliating against you for speaking up, get help from Human Resources , the Ethics & Compliance Office or use the Speak Up Portal . 8

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