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that same person to be able to make their art Lifetime guarantees are another way that in Adobe and then find their buyer/client in the more industrial-style goods are standing Adobe. Genius. out in a marketplace socioculturally/ philosophically designed to dislike them. 02 WHY SUBSCRIPTION WORKS FOR L.L. Bean was light years ahead of its time POST-CAPITALISM when they created the lifetime guarantee. Every L.L. Bean fan (like my mom) has their There’s a sincerity to subscription that’s hard favorite story of the time the company to top. It naturally wants to be expansive, replaced something even though it was a networked, and benefiting from the hive thousand years old. mind. The important thing is to make sure it’s judicious. The subscriptions of the future will struggle with maintaining little fiefdoms (e.g. HBO) and will thrive when tending towards openness (e.g. Netflix licensing the best from everyone). 149

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