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Smith mentioned the word ‘regulation,’ however Adam Smith, like Marx, foresaw that ever-increasing 123 times in The Wealth of Nations. Smith was a efficiencies would either render regular workers big, big fan of heavy government regulation. He to a state of unhappiness, a state of uselessness, went as far as to say that in any capitalist system or both. without government regulation, man “generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is possible In 2015 Katrine Marçal wrote an outstanding book for a human creature to become.” called Who Cooked Adam Smith’s Dinner? In the Smith was not the limited government capitalist text, Marçal delightfully points out that Smith was that some might like us to think he was. In fact, also something of a giant adult baby, as he lived at he was a Scottish Enlightenment thinker who home with his mother for most of his life. Marçal’s harbored deep concerns about where machines goal was to poke holes in his theories of capitalism and capitalism would ultimately lead society. as being a representation of anything exhaustive— capitalism, in the way Smith outlined it, leaves a lot of important workers out of its model. 47

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