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Our Manifesto

At RELAYTO/, we believe in magic

Once upon a time...

Storytelling was easy, natural and captivating - remember listening to our grandparents’ bedtime stories? Remember feeling yourself slipping into a magical narrative with your imagination and curiosity bubbling? 

The real world 'digital' trap

Yet somewhere, we lost that feeling while drowning in an ocean of emails, bullets, and the big, the bad, and the ugly data. Nowadays, it takes a design agency to tell a simple story. Or, we end up using yesterday’s tools and spending days creating content that doesn’t reach its destination. And if it does, no one - not our colleagues, clients, friends, or our mom, even - really reads this stuff, engaged with it, OR does something BECAUSE of it.

With RELAYTO, you can revolutionize the way content is made - and consumed, so that business people actually enjoy spending time communicating. And measure the impact of your ideas. Let's make business communications feel like magic.

Our dream

There is magic and genius in every person, you just need to share your ideas with the world. We believe everyone from salespeople and marketers to executives and HR can create content with character - all it takes is a great idea and an intuitive tool. We built the tool. Now is the time to unleash your ideas.

We dream of a world where your communications aren’t trapped in email inboxes and lousy-looking presentations. A world where content and technology work for you and your audience -- and not the other way around. A world where your ideas make work beautiful. Let’s make this world a reality. Let’s make magic happen.

unleash ideas. inspire action. empower humans.





RELAYTO Content Experience

RELAYTO Content Experience

The fastest way to build digital experiences. We empower businesses to convert PDFs, presentations and other content into interactive experiences & webpages with instant branding, analytics & more




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