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Shortcut graphic (Double P) The “PayPal” wordmark is our logo. The double “P” mark is meant to be MINIMuM SIzE used where size limitations don’t allow for the PayPal logo, and/or where = 5.5 mm (.2165”) we need a shortcut graphic, such as on an iPhone app tile, favicon, or or 14 px social media icon. The double P should only be used in executions: 1. To represent PayPal when the full logo is already present in the experience. 2. In environments clearly controlled by PayPal (e.g. PayPal’s facebook page etc.). 3. When spacial restrictions make the full logo impossible (e.g. favicon) 4. Within the PayPal mobile experience. 5. use the standard Pay and Pal blue version in all possible circumstances and only use the reversed white version when PAy BLuE PAL BLuE rEVErSED WhITE VErSION needed. PMS: 295 PC PMS: 300 PC The reversed white version was CMyK: 100 57 0 40 CMyK: 100 44 0 0 originally created for PayPal mobile Please don’t use it as a repeating background pattern. The maximum rGB: 0 69 124 rGB: 0 121 193 apps, as shown above. height of the double “P” mark should never be greater than the hEX: 00457C hEX: 0079C1 minimum size of the PayPal logo. If you have questions, contact the you may use the reversed out Global Brand Team. STANDArD PAy AND PAL BLuE double P when you are placing it VErSION on a Pay or Pal blue background, The approved file is available on PayPal Brand Central. This is the preferred version of the but the standard version is double P and should only be used always preferred against a on a white background, in design white background. instances where space is limited and the full logo is not feasible. ContentS PayPal | Corporate master brand guidelines | August 2013 | Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 14

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