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Acceptance mark modules PAyPAL AS AN ALL-IN-ONE PAyMENT METhOD MODuLE TEMPLATES PrEfErrED LANDSCAPE PLACEMENT To indicate that customers can pay with their credit card or bank account when using PayPal, use one of the PayPal modules shown on the right. ® ®® ® PAyPAL AS A PAyMENT METhOD To indicate that PayPal is an accepted payment method in addition to, but separate from other payment methods, it is preferred that the PrEfErrED PrEfErrED PayPal acceptance mark always be placed as the first option. An SECURE PAYMENTS BY SINGLE-STACKED DOuBLE-STACKED exception exists for Discover-produced multi-branded signage, where PLACEMENT PLACEMENT Discover is featured in the first position, followed by PayPal. Orient the payment marks in either landscape or stacked formats as shown on the far right. ® ® All non-logo text for Module Templates is in helvetica Neue roman/regular. use Arial regular when text size is smaller than 8pt. ® ® ® ® ContentS PayPal | Corporate master brand guidelines | August 2013 | Copyright © 2013 PayPal Inc. All rights reserved. 27

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